Today, my “Problems in Posthumanism” graduate seminar worked on Alexander and Dindimus, Montaigne on Cannibals, Petrarch on the Canary Islands (well, we at least read it),…
She was so charitable and so pitous She wolde wepe, if that she saugh a mous Kaught in a trappe, if it were deed or…
If you teach Chaucer, you’re likely more than familiar with this bit from the Nun’s Priest’s Tale: Wommennes conseils been ful ofte colde; Wommannes counseil…
The problem with teaching a medieval class on race and representation has been the unrelenting negativity of nearly all of the texts we’re doing: the…
What Geraldine Barnes called the “nineteenth-century ‘theatre’ of Vinland” began in the 1830s with the publication of Carl Christian Rafn’s Antiquitates Americanae and reached its apogee in the 1890s as a kind of counter-programming to the celebration of Columbus’s landing. The mania offered its adherents two things, a white heritage and a specifically medieval, embattled white heritage, while also, as I’ll conclude, obligating them to protect their whiteness, making them prisoners of their own concocted identity.
I’m one of several people who has been trying, for several months, to get Facebook to take down a page devoted to promoting the Ritual…
Cross posted to In the Middle. A couple of days ago, World News Daily gave us this: “USA: Viking Ship Discovered Near Mississippi River.” While…
Cross-posted on In The Middle. Go there to leave comments, if you want. Maybe you saw an article recently about renewed attempts to change the unpleasant name…
Back in America! If you read Minima Moralia before watching Captain America Winter Soldier Word Word on the flight, an essay drafts itself — Karl…
Nearly every year, I teach an MA course at Brooklyn College whose unofficial title might as well be “Literary Theory for High School Teachers.” Late…